Zed. The source code to build a world.

in package

Actions class

Each method is called by first part of your URL, other parts are arguments e.g. /do.php/validate_quux_request/52 = Actions::validate_quux_request(52);

You can also use $_GET, $_POST or better $_REQUEST.

Don't print the value but return it, so we can in the future implement custom formats like api_output();

Table of Contents


$CurrentPerso  : Perso
$CurrentUser  : User
$db  : DatabaseEngine


get_content()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets multimedia content for the specified location
global_move()  : Location
Moves the current perso's, setting a new global and local location.
local_move()  : Location
Moves the current perso's, setting a new local location.
perso_request()  : bool
Handles a allow/deny perso request.
polarz_local_move()  : Location
Moves the current perso's, setting a new local location, using polar+z coordinates.
set_local_location()  : Location
Sets current perso's local location.
upload_content()  : string
Handles upload content form.
is_hash_valid()  : bool
Checks the arguments hash and determines whether it is valid.



public Perso $CurrentPerso


public User $CurrentUser


public DatabaseEngine $db



Gets multimedia content for the specified location

public get_content(string $location_global) : array<string|int, mixed>
$location_global : string

The global location (local is to specified in ?location_local parameter)

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

an array of Content instances


Moves the current perso's, setting a new global and local location.

public global_move(string $location_global[, string $location_local = null ]) : Location
$location_global : string

The global location

$location_local : string = null

The local location

Return values

the current perso's Location object


Moves the current perso's, setting a new local location.

public local_move(string $move[, int $factor = 1 ]) : Location

We don't require a security hash. If the users want to play with it, no problem. You generally move inside a global location as you wish. So, if you write a story capturing a perso, use flags to handle this escape!

$move : string

the move (coordinates or direction)

$factor : int = 1

a number multiplying the specified move [optional]

Return values

the current perso's Location object

e.g. to move from 2 units to east, you can use one of those instructions: local_move('east', 2); local_move('2,0,0'); local_move('1,0,0', 2);

Valid moves string are north, east, south, west, up and down. Valid moves coordinates are x,y,z (3 integers, comma as separator)


Handles a allow/deny perso request.

public perso_request(string $request_flag, string $store, string $key, string $value, string $hash) : bool
$request_flag : string

the request flag to clear

$store : string

'perso' or 'registry'

$key : string

the perso flag or registry key

$value : string

the value to store

$hash : string

the security hash

Return values

true if the request is valid and have been processed ; otherwise, false.


Moves the current perso's, setting a new local location, using polar+z coordinates.

public polarz_local_move(string $move[, int $factor = 1 ]) : Location

Polar+z coordinates are polar coordinates, plus a cartesian z dimension.

We don't require a security hash. If the users want to play with it, no problem. You generally move inside a global location as you wish. So, if you write a story capturing a perso, use flags to handle this escape!

$move : string

the move (coordinates or direction)

$factor : int = 1

a number multiplying the specified move [optional]

Return values

the current perso's Location object

Valid moves string are cw, ccw, out, in, up and down. r: out = +12 in = -12 °: cw = +20° ccw = -20 Valid moves coordinates are r,°,z (3 integers, comma as separator) (the medium value can also be integer + °)

e.g. to move of two units (the unit is 20°) clockwise: polarz_local_move('cw', 2); polarz_local_move('(0, 20°, 0)', 2); polarz_local_move('(0, 40°, 0)'); Or if you really want to use radians (PI/9 won't be parsed): polarz_local_move('(0, 0.6981317007977318, 0)';


Sets current perso's local location.

public set_local_location(string $location_local) : Location

We don't require a security hash. If the users want to play with it, no problem. You generally move inside a global location as you wish. So, if you write a story capturing a perso, use flags to handle this escape!

$location_local : string

the local location

Return values

the current perso's Location object


Handles upload content form.

public upload_content() : string
Return values

new content path


Checks the arguments hash and determines whether it is valid.

private static is_hash_valid(array<string|int, mixed> $args) : bool
$args : array<string|int, mixed>

the arguments, the last being the hash

Return values

true if the hash is valid ; otherwise, false.

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